Satara,Date-15:- Police have arrested the suspect who strangulated a third party in Man taluka. After the body was found rotting in the well, the police solved the crime in just six hours.
The crime of third party murder in Man taluka has been revealed in just six hours. The Mhaswad police handcuffed the suspect based on the name tattooed on the deceased’s arm. Rashi alias Rahul Ajinath Ghutukde, the third party who was killed, and the suspect is named Sahadhan Vilas Chavan (Rest. Diwad, Distt. Man).
The crime of third party murder in Man taluka has been revealed in just six hours. The Mhaswad police handcuffed the suspect based on the name tattooed on the deceased’s arm. Rashi aka Rahul Ajinath Ghutukde, the third party who was killed, and the suspect is Sahadhan Vilas Chavan (Rest. Diwad, Distt. Man).